Born August 21, 1930 in Humpolec, Czechoslovakia. Milan Med graduated at a lyceum in 1949 and continued studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for six years. He finished a special school for portrait and figural painting led by the outstanding painter Prof. Vratislav Nechleba. Milan Med had been involved in figural creation since his student age. This deep interest in figures brought him to study anatomy and to the medical faculty of Charles University in Prague. In recent years, he has continued his art education with a series of study trips to galleries and museums worldwide. He was attracted to ballet studios and sport gymnasiums during his first studies in Prague. He learned the difficulty of illustration there to draw a human body in motion. There he mastered his distinctive artistic approach to expressing the characteristics of movement in the ballet culture, dance and sports Milan Med introduced dance drawings at his first Prague exhibition in 1962. After this show, Med’s pastels, drawings, paintings and engravings became published in American gymnastics magazines which caused his popularity to build worldwide and ignited his art career internationally. The art force of Med consists in his pastel and Indian ink skills. He is able to create the work directly in ballet studios and gymnastics gyms. Large size oil paintings by Milan Med represent the other art creation. Their iconography accents psychological aspects of a protagonist life the intense concentration before a performance, the thrill waiting behind the scene, the gratitude for applause, or with the exhaustion just after a difficult performance. Also included in the current Med collection are a series of oils depicting the biblical story of Christ and the Samaritan woman and a grouping of pastel and oil nudes. Med passed away in August 2010.