Gabe Leonard spent his early years in rural Wyoming, sketching wildlife and selling his drawings for one dollar. After earning his BFA from Columbus College in Ohio, Leonard honed his talents on the ultra-competitive Venice Beach boardwalk.
Described as “Johnny Cash meets Quentin Tarantino,” Leonard’s work possesses an intense cinematic quality combining the gestural brushwork of expressionism with the expert lighting and framing of a Hollywood cinematographer. His oils are cinematic, atmospheric and moody, revolving around outlaws, rugged noir characters to create narratives full of dramatic possibility.
While his subjects and compositions belie a heavy influence of modern and contemporary cinema, Leonard’s artistic style is rooted firmly in a European tradition. While he often breaks from academic restrictions with his loose brushwork and characteristic drips, he counts Rembrandt, Mucha, Klimt and Schiele as amongst his influences.
Following a string of sell-out shows and acquisitions by high-profile collectors, Leonard has quickly become one of the most sought-after artists in the world. Recent celebrity collectors include Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, and Rueben Fleischer. Leonard currently resides in Los Angeles.